Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dog gone Model

Well I think that it is really true, dogs do not make the best scarf models.

With that said, it is a great scarf. Soft and squishy. I think that anything knit with roving is going to be squishy and as soft as the roving is. I drafted the roving to about index finger width. That is my index finger, approx. 3/8 to 1/2 inches. You must be gentle in the knitting. It is possible to pull it a part. But after it is knit it is much stronger. I would have no worries about it coming a part. It may snag however.

Thinking about an idea for a knit roving and spun yarn hat. It would be soft squishy and warm. Work on that after Christmas.

I still have one project to finish before Christmas. It is the secret for my daughter who got the "coveted coupon" last Christmas for a knit garment of her choice. The problem is that she didn't choose, so in November I chose. It is a cabled vest from Vogue Knitting Fall 2010, knit in Cascade Baby Alpaca Chunky, cream. What isn't to like? Knits like a dream and feels like butter.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Scarf on dog

See scarf on dog. See dog walk away.

Tada, this is the best that it is going to be.

Animals on parade

Animals on parade, that is sugar cookie animals on parade. They are a part of my Christmas baking tradition. This year I made them for 4 very special children. Children who are most loved by their Great grandparents in Hutchinson.

The lovely color on the cookies is an egg yolk and food coloring "paint" that I brush on and then bake. The texture is interesting to eat. Kind of like eating a shinny cloud.

I've thought about making the cookie with lime juice and chili for a totally different but wow flavor. They would have a lovely pink color.

About knitting with the roving, The scarf is done. The feel of the scarf is great but you must be gentle as you knit. More later...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

roving to go go

"Roving in wheels go
round and round

to your town."

I've been dying to show you the new rovings that I have dyed. Roving is such a magical thing. What could it grow up to be? So much potential, so much joy.
It could be spun, needle felted, nuno felted or hand felted, woven or knitted or crocheted. If it is spun, what kind of yarn does it or you want it to be? Roving will become what you want it to be.

As you can tell, I am totally into the possibilities of roving. It takes color beautifully and it's fluffy and soft. Reach out and touch through the screen right now. See it really is fluffy and soft.
I think that I will knit a scarf from roving this week. That is what I want it to become for me.

Knit well & love greatly, Deb.
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