Wednesday, December 1, 2010

roving to go go

"Roving in wheels go
round and round

to your town."

I've been dying to show you the new rovings that I have dyed. Roving is such a magical thing. What could it grow up to be? So much potential, so much joy.
It could be spun, needle felted, nuno felted or hand felted, woven or knitted or crocheted. If it is spun, what kind of yarn does it or you want it to be? Roving will become what you want it to be.

As you can tell, I am totally into the possibilities of roving. It takes color beautifully and it's fluffy and soft. Reach out and touch through the screen right now. See it really is fluffy and soft.
I think that I will knit a scarf from roving this week. That is what I want it to become for me.

Knit well & love greatly, Deb.
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