Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This past week I took a beginning crochet class from Becky, the Crochet Mistress. She is zergoot. It was so much fun to try something different. So I practiced on a rectangle, back and forth with single , half double and double crochet. It got to be kind of boring. But you know me, there are times when I get bored easily.

Thought that I would try something else. Picked out a handspun yarn and tried to decide if you started a hat from the top down or the bottom up. Thought top down was the way to go. And so I went. And now I would like to unveil my first ever crocheted hat. Tadaaaaaaaaaaa.

I like it. What do you think? My sweet Paul says that an artist needs a floppy hat. Don't know if this is large on the floppy scale. But, it will work.


Now, I will go dye some more roving. I'm off to Harveyville this weekend for a spinning class with Jacey Boggs of Insabordiknits. What great fun that will be. I'll let you know how it was. Pics and all.

Shall I take my hat?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Snowed this week

Monday was a great day. I stayed inside and KNIT ALL DAY. Wow. I can't tell you when the last time was that that happened. Got lots done but none that I can show you, Not finished yet and more importantly no camera with me. I'm working on a felted purse pattern in 2 sizes.It has nifty shaping supplied by a fold. Also working on a scarf pattern. Part of it will felt and part not. I'll show both of these to you next week.

Need to dye more roving. More lucious colors. The blue faced leister is so great to spin. What a lovely fiber. I want to hug those big sheepies. Although I'm sure that in the natural they are much different than clean and carded. Sheep are nice to hug if they are friendly sheep like those at the Harveyville Project. Looking forward to going back up there next week. Hug those sheep.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dying up a storm today. Many delicious hand dyed rovings fresh out of the dye pot.

I'll bring them and other goodies as I go to Wamego Saturday to vend at the Winter Woolfest. We will be in the Columbian Theater from 10:00 to 4:00. Come see us. It will be worth the drive I promise you. Many vendors and demonstrators.