Friday, January 14, 2011

Snowed this week

Monday was a great day. I stayed inside and KNIT ALL DAY. Wow. I can't tell you when the last time was that that happened. Got lots done but none that I can show you, Not finished yet and more importantly no camera with me. I'm working on a felted purse pattern in 2 sizes.It has nifty shaping supplied by a fold. Also working on a scarf pattern. Part of it will felt and part not. I'll show both of these to you next week.

Need to dye more roving. More lucious colors. The blue faced leister is so great to spin. What a lovely fiber. I want to hug those big sheepies. Although I'm sure that in the natural they are much different than clean and carded. Sheep are nice to hug if they are friendly sheep like those at the Harveyville Project. Looking forward to going back up there next week. Hug those sheep.

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