Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cold Day Hot Color

Hey, It is another snowy day, cold and blowing. The coldest day of the season. My phone was out in the SUV and if I hold it up to my ear, it (my ear) might freeze. So cold.

I've been trying to stay warm as I dye up a storm. Working on all sorts of colors, aren't they beautiful.

Thinking spring. Spring is coming but pretty far from us today.

I spun some BFL. It is truly beautiful fiber. What a nice luster it has and oh so smooth and soft. Like butter.
Working on some of the techniques that Jacey Boggs taught us at her workshop. What a joy it is to spin in a warm house on a cold day. Here are some pics from The Insubordiknit workshop at the Harveyville Project.

Good and patient teacher, just look at those hands.

Tada, the very dancing Jacey. We were such a happy group.
Structurally sound yarn makes us all want to dance.

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